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The Leftist compassion of Richard Houck

Posted by DanielS on Monday, 28 October 2019 05:00.

My first impression of Richard Houck was negative because he was attempting to make the case that America was on the wrong side of World War II.

This argument is destructive because it reconstructs a misframing of events that misleads susceptible White American demographics into a framework that pits European peoples against one another.

Isn’t that the point of this frame, you may ask? No brothers wars?

Not if you are honest about Hitler’s war mongering imperialism, his disposition to not value the lives of neighbouring nations, and if you honestly understand those nations’ positions.

If you do care about these things and the truth be known, you don’t suggest that America was on the wrong side but that Hitler was largely to blame for initiating an unnecessary war, catastrophic of itself and catastrophic in an ongoing way beyond, in its implications, stigmatizing with ostensible warrant to prohibit European peoples from rightful prejudice, discrimination and thus, racial self defense.

But while Houck and his interviewer in this case, J.F. Gariepy, are not penetrating enough to think outside of the Jewish box - “Nazis or Jews” and “White identity is right wing and purely objective while non and anti White identity is left and concerned with relative social group interests” - in the name of fairness, I must say that Houck does articulate a kind of social compassion for our people which bespeaks a left ethnonationalist position in this talk.

Who’ll virtue-signal for Jamie Griffiths?

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 26 October 2019 05:00.

Well done, Andy. A bit hyperbolic to express relief over his not having been sentenced to jail, when fines, restitution, hundreds of hours of imposed community service and sex offender registration is hyperbolic enough. That quibble aside, to articulate this sort of feminist insane injustice is a needed social service. Thanks.

I recall myself, in my teens and twenties, ‘peon’ guilty-of-everything White man that I was, being overwrought with complexty and yes, ambivalence at having to approach the all too precious and valuable princess…

..already conditioned for the mine field of sudden, shrill, egregiuos interpretations of my motives that could be detonated with any awkward misstep.

...conditioned by the pervasive hostility of my mother and general social atmosphere of feminist insanity, but most accutely, by the sudden, shrill, humiliating reactions from my feminist older sister if, for example, I expressed preference for a beautiful woman, or perhaps noticed a nice female ass; I was overwhelmed by a horrible intentional oscillation regarding women.

Now, you must understand that I was getting something like thousands of volts of electricity sent through my forebrain by the manly incitements of my father and brothers as well…

...good and scrambled, I’ve mentioned this before, but it bears repeating in this context…

...that I was able to locate and orient my ownmost innocence by asserting the truth that I was willing to take my equal in a woman on 1 -10 scales of physicality, emotion and intellect. That is, I knew for myself that I was fair.

However, this does not necessarily make up for missing confirmation… puerile females can be absurdly punishing of any sort of timidity, while overvaluing sheer confidence at horrific cost to intellectual and social capital.

We Were Never Asked (whether We native British wanted immigration to make us a minority by 2060).

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 24 October 2019 22:39.

Nero, Beast 666 Anti-Christ - according to Jews, initiating rebellion against Rome.

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 22 October 2019 05:38.

Humphreys makes the case that Nero was actually a much more benign, benificant and popular ruler than portrayals through the Jewish popularizing perspective of Christianity would have people believe. Nero actually transformed Rome from a wooden to a marble city; refining Roman life in many ways, in fact, with the development of parks, recreation and culture; thereby displaying contemplation and concern for matters far better than any preoccupation with persecuting Christians. It was thus necessary for Jewish interests to fabricate through Christianity, the popular notion of Nero as evil.

Part 2, 9:14 -

Demonizing of Nero Begins:

The Jews, in rebellion from 66, identify the personification of evil - Beliel - with the Roman emperor. In coded “revelation” the Beast is Nero. His death stiffened Jewish resistance.

Messianic sectarians concoct an apocalypse (later called the Testament of Hezekiah) which equates Belial with the Antichrist, an “indwelling” spirit of evil.

The last years of Nero’s reign saw the Jews in rebellion.

In Rome, following Nero’s suicide, political strife divides the nation… 

The Flavians, humble soldiers, were desperate to legitimize their new regime (by daunting contrast to the popular ruler, Nero). Hence the completion by Vespasian of the temple of Claudius. For the Flavians, Nero had been a weak, effeminate ruler. They had little interest in his cultural conquest, but gave the biggest, bloodiest festival of all to the Roman people; the amphitheater, lavishly financed by the plunder of the Jewish temple.

Related at Majority Rights:

MR Interview of Kenneth Humphreys by James Bowery Concerning the Syncretic Origin of Christianity

Tulsi rejects Israeli operation clean break, lights way for Kurd & White Left ethnonationalism.

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 18 October 2019 05:44.

Related at Majority Rights:

Trump Syrian exit not “anti-war”, “anti-imperialist”, it gives Erdoğan go-ahead to attack the Kurds


Illegal migrants granted rights to serve on Californian governing boards and commissions

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 15 October 2019 12:43.

How to misunderstand Islam - by Irish Savant

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 13 October 2019 06:13.

Another Misunderstander Of Islam strikes

4 Oct., by Irish Savant

Where’s Inspector Clouseau when you need him? Because the famous bumbling French detective could hardly do worse than the Paris police investigating the recent mass killing at their HQ. They’re totally baffled as to the killer’s motive.

INVESTIGATORS ARE COMBING an IT staffer’s computer today for clues as to why he stabbed four colleagues to death at police headquarters in Paris. The 45-year-old man killed three men and a woman in a frenzied 30-minute attack that ended when he was shot in the head. A search of the couple’s house found no evidence that the man, who converted to Islam about 18 months ago, had been driven to his criminal deed by radical religious ideology. Shortly after the killings, Paris prosecutor Remy Heitz said anti-terror investigators were not involved in the murder probe. All possible motives were being examined, sources have said, including the scenario of a personal conflict at work.

Which probably means that the sleuths failed to find a statement from the killer (a black immigrant from Martinique) explicitly stating ‘in the Name of the all-merciful Allah I will go in to work in the morning and and stab everyone I can find’. Therefore nothing to do with the Religion Of Peace. Just another Misunderstander Of Islam. He must have thought that when the Koran enjoined him to ‘Slay the unbelievers wherever you find them’ (Qur’an 2:191) the ‘sacred’ text meant, well, kill the unbelievers wherever you find them. And like most misunderstanders he seemed, apart from the mass murdering bit, to have been a swell guy. According to a fellow worshipper “he was a very quiet person. I used to see him going to the mosque but he practised (his religion) in a normal way” . Well he sure did, didn’t he? And remember Jihadi John, the notorious ‘English’ head-chopper for ISIS? He’d been described by his imam as ‘a gentle, spiritual boy’. Indeed.

So what’s to be done? Well I believe I have a solution. Reinterpret the sacred texts in the light of latest thinking and research. You know the way Pope Francis reinterpreted the Bible to mean that homosexuality and all kinds of degeneracy are fully in accord with that book’s teachings. I’ve been working hard and this is the result to date. I seriously believe that when complete it has the potential to eliminate mass murders stemming from misunderstanding the Religion Of Peace.

My initial attempt.

Quotation: “Make war on the infidels living in your neighborhood.” Qur’an 9:123

Scholastic reinterpretation: “Make friends with your infidel neighbours”.

Quotation: “Maim and crucify the infidels if they criticize Islam” Qur’an 5:33

Scholastic reinterpretation: “All discussion on religion should be open and tolerant.”

Quotation: “Punish the unbelievers with garments of fire, hooked iron rods, boiling water;melt their skin and bellies.” Qur’an22:19

Scholastic reinterpretation: We’re working on that one. But meanwhile lads lay off the hooks and rods and melting bellies and all that stuff.

So gentle reader, do you think it’ll work?

“Man” sucker punches a 71 y/o woman that leaves her laying on the ground with broken jaw.

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 02 October 2019 16:23.

New York man punches a 71 y/o woman in the face in ‘unprovoked’ attack that leaves her laying on the ground with a broken jaw. The incident happened on September 19 in Brooklyn, New York, around 5.30pm.

He’s black, not a hate crime, all good~


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